What is a Comprehensive Plan?
The Comprehensive Plan is a long-term plan that guides future decision making with regard to development patterns within the County, while protecting resources and agricultural activities, promoting economic activities, and supporting efficient and safe transportation networks and infrastructure. The plan also allocates adequate land for the different uses such as residential, offices, retail, industrial and parks and open spaces, to enable people to live, work and play in Pulaski County. The plan considers and incorporates community values, desires and local initiatives, and develops a clear vision of the County’s future.
Pulaski County Comprehensive Plan
Pulaski County’s current comprehensive plan was last prepared in 2010. The Comprehensive Plan update process will evaluate the changes in Pulaski County that took place over the last ten years and lay the groundwork for the next 20 years. More specifically, the plan will identify areas where public services and investments could be directed, maintain the rural and beautiful charm of the county, and provide for necessary uses and activities that will meet the future needs of the residents.
Pulaski County Comprehensive Plan
Chapter 22 of the Virginia Code requires that each Virginia locality prepare a comprehensive plan and review it at least once every five years.
Code of Virginia § 15.5-2223 states that the local planning commission shall prepare and recommend a comprehensive plan for the physical development of the county. For the preparation of the plan, the Planning Commission shall make careful and comprehensive surveys and studies of:
- exisiting conditions
- trends of growth, and
- requirements of the county of the probably future.
Virginia Code also requires that the Planning Commission consult the public for input prior to recommendation of the comprehensive plan.