Economic Development Goals, Ojectives, Policies

Goal 1: Support economic growth and maintain a stable, diverse and competitive business climate.

Objective 1.1: Diversify the economic base.

  • Policy 1.1.1: Utilize Onward New River Valley economic development program to assist the county with attraction efforts of targeted sectors such as advanced manufacturing, life sciences, food/beverages etc.
  • Policy 1.1.2: Explore emerging trends in technology-based industries and foster a county environment that supports attracting technology companies.
  • Policy 1.1.3: Support the efforts of small business development assistance programs such as the Small Business Development Center, Pulaski on Main, Chamber of Commerce, Radford University Corporate Park, etc.
  • Policy 1.1.4: Partner with the two towns and unincorporated areas to develop a shortlist of desired and needed businesses. Establish an incentive-based program to attract these businesses to the county/towns.
  • Policy 1.1.5: Promote and market tourism assets. Support tourism industry expansion efforts and tourism business.
  • Policy 1.1.6: Capitalize on the unique nature of the rail corridor and attract industries that are reliant on rail infrastructure.
  • Policy 1.1.7: Create an environment that supports and attracts businesses that support target populations such as stay at home parents and/or home-based entrepreneurs.
  • Policy 1.1.8: Create an economic development policy that promotes Green Business/Sustainable Economy and other market sectors that create products, develop solutions and advance technology around sustainability.
  • Policy 1.1.9: Promote new economic development initiatives to attract renewable energy companies and investments. Use the positive asset of renewable energy production to attract affiliated industry such as data and technology companies.
  • Policy 1.1.10: Connect prospective entrepreneurs and existing small businesses to technical assistance resources, incentives and financing programs.
  • Policy 1.1.11: Capitalize on recreational, historical and outdoor assets to build economy. Examples include bat ball sports events, tourism events, support industries.
  • Policy 1.1.12: Support efforts led by the Economic Development Authority to manage and market existing county properties in a way that supports a wide range of economic development initiatives. Consider new properties to maintain a diverse stock of prospective sites.
  • Policy 1.1.13: Continue initiatives to expand broadband telecommunications and internet availability to support home based, creative economy and high-tech business enterprises.

Objective 1.2: Retain and Expand Existing Business & Industry while attracting new Business & Industry.

  • Policy 1.2.1: Support the Economic Development Authority and Economic Development agencies in their efforts to attract and support industry and business in Pulaski County.
  • Policy 1.2.2: Establish a pathway for existing business and industry to communicate challenges, needs and future opportunity to local government.
  • Policy 1.2.3: Examine challenges and “missing links” that inhibit industry relocation to Pulaski County. Work to fill those gaps.
  • Policy 1.2.4: Create a county fact sheet for local, state and federal business support resources and make this available on the county website.
  • Policy 1.2.5: Develop a yearly appreciation award to recognize and celebrate the county’s business and industry partners.
  • Policy 1.2.6: Ensure that county owned or supported industrial sites are marketed appropriately. Develop a marketing plan for available industrial sites. Utilize the resources from Virginia Economic Development and other regional economy-based organizations to market our assets.
  • Policy 1.2.7: Examine infrastructure system capacity of existing and proposed industrial and business sites and identify limitations. Establish a plan for completing needed infrastructure improvements and partner with major assets such as American Electric Power, Norfolk and Southern, Virginia Department of Transportation and the Public Service Authority, etc. to fill infrastructure gaps
  • Policy 1.2.8: Continue to work with Virginia’s First Regional Industrial Authority (VFRIA), Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP), Onward New River Valley, Pulaski County Chamber of Commerce and other regional and state initiatives that promote economic growth.
  • Policy 1.2.9: Support efforts to redevelop and revitalize existing underutilized industrial and business sites into prospective site locations for new businesses. Work with private developers, funding resources and both of the towns to further this goal.
  • Policy 1.2.10: Conduct inventory of existing stock of warehouse space and the county wide need for industrial and business storage. Develop a strategic plan to advance storage options and potentially free up sites in prime locations for business.
  • Policy 1.2.11: Explore the challenges of large-scale financing. Create a taskforce to examine and problem solve opportunities for meeting this challenge.
  • Policy 1.2.12: In partnership with the Economic Development Authority, the Extension Office and the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, sponsor an Agriculture Economy Conference to explore innovative new ideas in the agricultural economy and to advance market opportunities unique to our region.
  • Policy 1.2.13: Encourage public and private initiatives that support the local agriculture industry, local foods programs, agricultural education and incentives for local farmers to continue active production.
  • Policy 1.2.14: Continue efforts to promote Pulaski County as Southwestern Virginia’s Center for International Business and the Capital of Advanced Manufacturing.
  • Policy 1.2.15: Prevent loss of prime farmland and promote viable agriculture by concentrating higher intensity or density development in more suitable areas that are compatible to surrounding land uses and/or along existing and planned transportation corridors.

Objective 1.3: Attract and Maintain a Viable Workforce

  • Policy 1.3.1: Develop a strategic plan to attract key industry workforce populations to live and work in Pulaski County.
  • Policy 1.3.2: Support policies that incentivize high paying wages for prospective industry and business. Set target living wage goals and attract industry and businesses that also value a living wage/stable workforce.
  • Policy 1.3.3: Continue partnerships with the Pulaski County Public School System, New River Community College, Area Universities, Workforce Development and other organizations that promote trade skill education, workforce training and curriculum development for identified workforce needs.
  • Policy 1.3.4: Advance community needs such as adequate housing, trails/recreational amenities, medical services and assets that attract a qualified and stable workforce.
  • Policy 1.3.5: Identify needs for early childhood education and foster ideas to provide early education. Promote efforts that teach workforce/life skill training for all age groups.
  • Policy 1.3.6: Support affordable childcare options that allow working families an opportunity to participate in the workforce.
  • Policy 1.3.7: Provide internships, job-shadow days, apprenticeship and other opportunities for young people to explore career options.
  • Policy 1.3.8: Support Schools in providing high quality Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs that train a qualified workforce.
  • Policy 1.3.9: Evaluate existing and new workforce programs every five (5) years to ensure that workforce training stays relevant to technology, local needs and emerging trends. Work with training and education providers that meet workforce challenges and can supply successful metrics that support workforce programs.
  • Policy 1.3.10: Closely partner with Higher Education Institutions and ensure that Pulaski County is an extension of their campus and a partner for opportunity.
  • Policy 1.3.11: Advance the vision for a younger and diverse population by supporting the 40,000 citizens by 2030 (40 by 30) vision statement.
  • Policy 1.3.12: Support specific curriculum and training programs that ensure “workforce ready” employment in Pulaski County. Examples include; trade certifications, targeted advanced degrees and industry matched training programs.
  • Policy 1.3.13: Promote efforts to improve the supply of affordable workforce housing.
  • Policy 1.3.14: Encourage and incentivize creative mixed-use developments that introduce modern housing choices, provide trendy retail/restaurants and walkable communities to provide housing stock for young professionals.
  • Policy 1.3.15: Promote high-end and executive level housing developments to provide an adequate housing stock for this income level.