Commissioner of the Revenue
The Constitution of Virginia introduced taxation of “all” property in 1851. As a result, taxation is the rule in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and exemption is the exception. It also specifies that taxation shall be controlled by the General Assembly and identified in the Code of Virginia. It is the duty of the Pulaski County Commissioner of the Revenue Office to follow the Code and Constitution of Virginia in addition to local ordinances when assessing real estate, personal property, business and miscellaneous taxes. We also assist in the preparation and filing of Virginia individual income tax returns. It is our mission to uniformly assess all property in Pulaski County while serving its citizens with integrity and respect.

Forms and Applications
Real Estate
Pulaski County Real Estate Assessments & Information
A new webpage is now available with information about real estate assessments and the process of real property taxation. Visit for real estate forms and applications, along with information on appeals, land use, exemptions, and more. An assessment frequently-asked-questions section answers many common questions our office receives.Business
Tax Relief
Real estate tax relief forms for the Elderly and Disabled can be obtained on-site between January 1 and April 1 each year. Applicants must be 65 years or older or permanently disabled. It must be determined that the person applying is the documented owner and occupant of the real estate. Contact our office for qualifying criteria. No elderly and disabled tax relief applications will be accepted after April 1 due to state law. There are no filing deadlines for the real estate tax exemptions mentioned below.
IRS announces tax relief for victims of Post-tropical Cyclone Helene (Pulaski)
IRS deadlines extended to May 1, 2025 for certain tax returns and tax payments of individuals and businesses affected by Post-tropical Cyclone Helene that began on Sept. 25, 2024. If you are in need of more information click the link below or call the IRS disaster hotline at 866-562-5227.
2022 Urgent Tax Information
Personal property categorized as automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, motor homes, campers, and boats experienced a 7-25% increase in valuations for tax year 2022 due to volatile market trends stemming from the coronavirus pandemic and the war in Ukraine. To ease the tax burden, the Board of Supervisors and Commissioner of the Revenue agreed to implement a seven percent partial reduction in value for three primary categories: vehicles (personal and business), trucks (under 10,001 lbs.), and handicap designed motor vehicles during calendar year 2022. Any allowed reduction in value was automatically applied to qualifying vehicles. The Pulaski County personal property tax rates did not change.
If you have concerns about rising property values or tax rates in Pulaski County, please contact your Board of Supervisors at:
For questions about paying your tax bill, contact the Treasurer’s Office at (540) 980-7785.
For questions about the value assigned to your property, contact the Commissioner of the Revenue Office at (540) 980-7750.
GIS Parcel Viewer
To assist the public with accessing the GIS Parcel Viewer without navigating through the county webpage, Assessor Phillips from our Real Estate Department coordinated with the Pulaski County IT Department to provide a new short weblink: Click or type this link into your browsers address bar for quick access.
Real Estate Reassessment Questions
The real estate reassessment process is conducted every six years in Pulaski County. The most recent reassessment values took effect on January 1, 2021. If you continue to have assessment-related questions or concerns, you can now use the following email address to contact us or to submit a local appeal form:
For your convenience, we are including a link to our appeal form here. It is the taxpayer’s responsibility to provide us with evidence that clearly refutes the value established by our Real Estate Department.
If you would like to speak to someone about your emailed submission, you may still contact us by phone at (540) 980-7753.
Vehicle Tax Exemption for Disabled Veterans
Effective January 1, 2021 the Virginia Code 58.1-3668 now allows for the exemption of one (1) motor vehicle used primarily by or for a veteran with a 100 percent service connected, permanent and total disability.
Apply if you can answer YES to the following questions:
- Has the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs listed you as service-connected, permanent and totally disabled?
- Are you a veteran who owns a motor vehicle?
- Is the vehicle used by or for the veteran?
In situations where the disabled veteran no longer has the ability to own or drive a vehicle, the Constitutional Amendment would allow for a spouse to solely own a qualifying vehicle.
If you answered YES to all three questions, please do the following to apply:
- Complete an initial application
- Provide Photo ID
- Provide a letter of approval for disability benefits from the Dept. of Veterans Affairs
- Certificate of Marriage (ONLY if qualifying vehicle is solely owned by the spouse)
- Wait to be notified. Once a determination of eligibility is made you will be contacted by phone or in writing.
Applications can be obtained online, by mail, or at 52 W. Main Street, Suite 200; Pulaski, Virginia 24301.
If you have questions please call our Personal Property Department at (540) 980-7750.
Workplace Health & Safety Statement
In an effort to prevent the spread of viruses to our employees and community members during peak viral seasons, several options are made available to assist customers remotely as well as in person. When receiving in-person assistance please keep the following national recommendations in mind to protect yourself and others:
- Use hand sanitizer or washing to disinfect hands
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or face covering when coughing or sneezing
How may I receive help from the Commissioner's office remotely?
- Phone: (540) 980-7750
- Mail: 52 W. Main Street, Suite 200; Pulaski, VA 24301
- Email:
- Dropbox: Located on the backside of building to the right of doors
We remain committed to providing you with timely services and appreciate your cooperation.
2021 Reassessment in Pulaski County is Now Complete
On March 22nd, 2021, the Board of Supervisors set the 2021 real estate tax rate at $0.74 per $100 of assessed value. Questions or concerns related to the tax rate should be made to your elected BOS member; their information can be found on the County website: County website.
Appeals with the reassessment team (Wampler-Eanes Appraisal Group) were completed December 9th, 2020. Hearings with the Board of Equalization concluded March 25th, 2021 and November 10th, 2021.
If you failed to appeal with either the reassessment team or the BOE, a final recourse exists by petitioning the Pulaski County Circuit Court (VA Code § 58.1-3370). For more information, please contact the County Assessor with the Commissioner of Revenue’s Office by phone at (540) 980-7753 or email at The County Assessor, under the authority of VA Code § 58.1-3981, can make changes to the land records when factual errors exist. Your Property Record Card should be examined and any such errors promptly communicated to the Assessor. This may or may not result in an assessment change.
If the property owner believes changes by reassessment, the BOE, and/or the County Assessor are insufficient, their final appeal will need to be made with the Circuit Court (VA Code § 58.1-3984). They can be reached at (540) 980-7825 for more information on the legal requirements.
Commissioner of the Revenue Office Updates
The Office of the Commissioner of the Revenue is excited to announce that the Real Estate property records are now more accessible on the Pulaski Counties web site, This information will be updated January 1 and through the year as the Clerk’s office diligently records the changes in the property.
Property record cards of the County’s more than 30,177 taxable properties may be accessed from the Real Estate Assessment Card Search Gateway via “Property Card” and the Commissioner of the Revenue’s links on the County web site. This information is updated with up-to-date data from the Commissioner of the Revenue’s Office as received from the Clerk’s Office.
Realtors and appraisers frequently request information from the parcel cards to review comparable properties, assessed value and check property detail such as number of rooms and square footage. Other property details also available are dwelling description, most recent sale and building improvements.
The online database may be searched by owner’s name, address, parcel identification number, description, or sales price range. Realtors, property owners and others previously had to call the County’s Real Estate Office for this information. Now this information will be available at any time of day, night, weekends or holidays at no charge to anyone.
The County’s web site also offers mapping and Real Estate information through the IGIS portal. In addition, mapping layers show roads, railroads, major water features, polling places and precincts, zoning, boundaries and more. Aerial photos are available from the reassessment version of the IGIS website.
This will be live effective Monday, August 21, 2017. For more details or to request property information, contact the Real Estate Office at 540-980-7753. I am happy to provide this service to the citizens of Pulaski County. We will also continue to serve you in the Commissioner’s Office if you would rather come in.