Current Election Information
Writ of Election: Writ For Special Election- Town of Dublin- Civil Case # 2024-000546
Writ of Election: Writ For Special Election- Town of Dublin- Civil Case # 2025-18-00
If you requested a ballot by mail, you may track your ballot below.
Please be advised, Ballot tracking relies on USPS scanning the ballot envelope at each stage of the delivery process. If USPS fails to scan the ballot envelope at any point, gaps in ballot tracking will occur.
How Do I...
Register to vote?
You can register to vote by visiting the Virginia Department of Election's registration webpage
Vote By Mail?
You can register to vote vote by mail by visiting the Virginia Department of Election's absentee voting webpage
Get voting rights restored?
You can get your voting rights restored by visiting the Secretary of the Commonwealth's restoration of rights webpage
Become an election official?
To discuss the possiblity of becoming an election offical you can contact the Director of Elections, Leann Phillips.
Leann Phillips
87 Commerce St
Pulaski, VA 24301
Phone: 540-980-2111
Fax: 540-994-5883
We uphold the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of Virginia and the laws, policies and court decisions of federal, state and local jurisdictions.
It is our sacred honor to protect and promote public trust and confidence by conducting accurate and fair elections.
As the public’s guardians of freedom within a democratic society, we are responsible for the integrity of the process. The General Registrar is accountable for maintaining public confidence in honest and impartial elections which we conduct in a fair, efficient and accurate manner.
Nurturing and protecting Democracy is a team effort in the profession of elections administration. Our tasks require wisdom, courage and the desire to remain focused on our vision of free and impartial elections despite changes in our society and its laws.
Freedom can best be maintained and nurtured through the democratic process.
The success of the democratic process requires fair and open elections which accurately reflect the intent of the electorate. Therefore the Voter Registrar serves as the Gatekeeper of Democracy.
By our dedication to uphold these ideals, we demonstrate our loyalty to freedom, our pride in our profession and a commitment to the excellence of the democratic process.